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Welcome to the National LGPS Procurement Frameworks website. Find out how all LGPS Funds, LGPS Investment Pools, their employers and the wider public sector in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland can efficiently procure high-quality, value for money, Pension Fund services.What are the National LGPS Frameworks?
Across the UK every LGPS Fund, every LGPS Investment Pool and potentially every scheme employer needs to access specialist services. This has its challenges, from identifying qualified, experienced service providers, through the often time consuming and costly procurement process to finally securing services that deliver Value for Money!
The National LGPS Frameworks - ‘By the LGPS, for the LGPS’ – provide award winning procurement Frameworks for all LGPS Funds, LGPS Investment Pools, employers and the wider public sector to save precious time and money by allowing quicker and more efficient sourcing of high-quality value for money services via a compliant route.
Leveraging combined buying power whilst maintaining local decision making and enabling services to be specified to local requirements has led to the National LGPS Frameworks becoming the ‘go to route’ for specialist procurement within the LGPS.
Information on all of our available Frameworks can be found on our Live Frameworks page.