
To view the National LGPS Frameworks Newsletters and News Bulletins, please click here

The business hours for the National LGPS Frameworks will be different over Christmas and the New Year.

Our opening hours over the festive period are as follows:

Monday 24 December 2018 - 8.45am to 12.00pm

Tuesday 25 December 2018 - Closed

The latest National LGPS Frameworks Annual Meeting of the Founding Authorities was held on Mon 12 November 2018 and was attended by Founders from LGPS Funds and Pools.

The National LGPS Frameworks team are pleased to announce the launch of the new Member Data Services Framework. The press release can be found here.

The National LGPS Frameworks are delighted to launch the latest Framework for Transition Management and Implementation Services.

The latest National LGPS Frameworks Annual Meeting of the Founding Authorities was held on Thurs 9 November 2017 and was attended by representatives from LGPS Funds, LGPS Pools, DCLG, Cabinet Office and HM Treasury.